Sofia Istanbul Bike Connect

Cycling through Bulgaria and Turkey between 15th of June and 1st of July, 2006... Kerékpárral Bulgárián és Törökországon át Június második felében... През България и Турция с колело...Bu yüzden 2006 Haziran aylarında, Sofia-Sinop bir bisiklet turu planladık

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

a vegso cel tolem most mar csak 140

szegyelem magam hogy egy kıcsıt hanyagoltam a magyar nyelvu leırasokat. most ıs az lesz mert egy kurvaıdegesıto bıllentyuzet hasznalom es le kell aludnı mert holnap 140 kmet kell tekernı ıstanbulıg a vegso celıg! de aztan tobbet ırok. eddıg jo volt az elso napom torokorszagban, nagyon ızgı mınden.

sok puszı macarlar ıcın
azaz magyaroknak

Last Day! Tomorrow İstanbul!

So today i have crossed the bulgarian turkish border.

I will wait for a later time when i have more of it (time) and a less annoying keyboard, to explain more of my thoughts and feelings.

but the news is that i am right now in a town called Vize, and i am 140 km from İstanbul, which i hope to reach by tommorrow night and meet Tuna in Taksim square. I will leave pretty early and cycle all day. I hope not too many mountains. Today, I cycled over 100 km, which included a lot of steep climbs, a border crossing and a meeting at the municipality of Kırklarelı with the mayor which was really great. So, minus all that and I think I should be able to make it tomorrow....

And what a change it is to be in Turkey! More about this later, i still feel like i entered a different world. and it feels great.

watch this space

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Justin made it to Burgas

from Eli

Sitting here at the office, I just received a sms from Justin. He is heading down south, the boarder with Turkey!
He arrived successfully yesterday evening in Burgas. In the morning there was one of the most successful meetings in the municipality of Burgas and the representative was very much willing to work on sustainable mobility with partners, even from Istanbul.
Justin had only like 10 minutes to enjoy the warm water of the Black sea today before jumping on his bike and getting on the road again!
Good luck!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

cycling in StaZa

Vanya was my cycling guide in Stara Zagora. On duty both during the day and at night.

Vanyával cangaztunk StaZa-ban, ejszakai tekerés is volt, simán a 100 e lakos város egyik oldaláról a másikra és vissza jutottunk.

Itt ahol laktam van még egy baszk önkéntes. mindketten ugyanilyen munkájuk van mint piroch marcinak, sérült madarakat megmenteni

cold facts warm answers

the hard, cold facts:

i am still in stara zagora, although this will change in about 15 minutes.
i handed out all the guidebooks i had with me, but i am receiving a small shipment sent to burgas, the final destination (for the bulgarian mission).
guidebooks handed out so far to:
Stara Zagora

coming up: Burgas

Sliven will just have to wait for the postal service (because their municipality strangely doesn't work on weekends).
the 15 minutes up top just changed to 20 minutes.
it looks like another hot one.
my knee occasionally acts like it want to pain me, but i am wearing a knee brace and will be going slow today, so easy does it.
i have not been struck by lightning so far.
i have not used my tent even once yet.
i have used my toothbrush, more than once.

light warm questions:

if i wrote less and rode more, would that be selfish?
should i not be eating more fruit and vegetables?
am i going to have fun in burgas?
will i even make it to burgas?
am i looking forward to burgas?
where is burgas?
why have both 15 and 20 minutes come and gone?

light warm facts and cold hard questions to be served up later

hétvégi kiadás. különszám: a gasztronómia

szép. megint hétvége van. nem kell valami úticélt kitűzni. csak felébredni, reggelizni, és elindulni. nem kell öt óra elött valamilyen hivatalba menni. visz a szél ahová akar. még egy kicsit messzinek érzem burgasztól, de remélem hogy ez a nap közelebbre visz, a nagy délbolgár kikötője, mint a bolgár szakasz végállómásom. na jó van még egy kis strand az út mentén a török határ felé, de nem fogok ott az embereket téríteni probálni a közlekedési útmutatóval, csak jó napot, egy dober den, egy mozhe li edin tarator. az a hideg uborka leves.

amit szoktam enni: mivel sopszka salátát nem nagyon kell magyarázni, a banitszát pedig csak ennyít hogy mint a bürek, csak vékonyabb és hosszú, ez a mindenhol kapható mint gyors kaja, a gyors válasz az éhségnek. de vannak változatai, például plovdivban felfaltam egy tökbanitszát, máshol hagymával, pl. Tegnap ettem egy fözelékféle kajat, bob jahnia, azaz babfőzelék. csak lehet hogy nem kezdték a rántással. a már említett tarator mindig kapható, minőségi különbségekkel (a tipp: szürcsöljetek inkább a házikosztot) a danone uradalma ellenére még mindig lehet kapni vagy 6 féle joghurtot. na itt megállok, mert most egy kicsit sok halvát ettem, s nem akarak épp többé kajával foglalkozni.

Notes from Plovdiv-Stara Zagora

Sofia Istanbul Bike Connect

from plovdiv i cycled to stara zagora. i went on a bit of a detour, because i hoped to escape the main busy busy road which goes also to the seaside. but at some point, they told me, don't go that way, through the mountains, the roads there are terrible, and the people there are truly wild. that wouldn't necessarily have put me off, but just then a grandiose thunderstorm broke in, and soaked me silly. so i headed back southward a bit and cought the main road to stara zagora. high quality road, but that was the only good thing about it. preposterously unwanton madhatter traffic, which had the effect of a passing truck spraying so much water from the road, i wasn't even sure i could be visible to the next thing coming down. a bit of a climb too, the gradual long sort of climb, infinitely more repelling than short steep climbs, which i actually don't mind at all. but i got there.

Friday, June 23, 2006

bulgarian bike trip in pictures: part 1 Sofia - Plovdiv


itt lathattok az elso kepsorozatot, ami szofia-plovdiv uti szakaszt tartalmaz:

here you can see the first picture series, covering sofia - plovdiv:

tuk sa kartinite ot purvia etap na kolelezdene, sofia - plovdiv:

burada yolucuk resimler, sofiya'dan plovdiv'e:

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

in pazardzhik

Sofia Istanbul Bike Connect

i am in pazardzhik at the moment, but will leave soon for my easy 2 hour ride to plovdiv, bulgaria's second largest city. this is after all day riding through the mountains yesterday, very beautiful but very strenous. i probably did 120 km or more, with lots of up, and got into paz. at about 10 pm.

but i stick to my last entry: more longer extra information soon! on the physical side of things, my seat is making me a bit sore, even a bit reddish hey, but my right knee is holding up (although i was nervous at one point), the bike is fine, and i feel a nice tiredness, like i have been biking for a looong time. and the bug bites. yesterday coming down from the mountain was my first feeling of absolute amazement at astounding enveleopment by

nature/priroda/termeszet/tabiat: left right left right left going downhill finally right left right and still more mountains and cliffs and along a river left right left right and great greenness left right left water gurgles left right sun shines left i meet another long distance biker right left right who says that even more beautiful places are found over yonder left right left i am wasting my time, he says, going to turkey, when right left, i could just stay in the rhodope mountains, right left right, this is all towards sundown, a glorious almost last stretch of the day, after some really difficult parts up hill now a beautiful glide down left right

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

in the pirin mountains

Sofia Istanbul Bike Connect


a longer blog entry will have to wait until i have the time to type it all in - i am now in razlog, in the pirin mountains. in about 3 minutes i am to meet with the mayor of the town, mr. liuben tatarski. last night i slept in town at some crazy guy's house, who was telling me all these strange conspiracy stories and wants me to look up the town of razlog in some bulgarian archive in istanbul when i get there, and it is related to his lost wealth as well, etc, etc...

so all is nice, the sun is shining, i managed to cycle over 100 km on sunday to get to blagoevgrad still in time to see the brazil-australia match, and i had a nice time staying at eion's place just a street over from where i lived in blagoevgrad for a few years.

more updating and pictures when i can manage.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

eli es vanya (ZZ) is ragyasok akarnak lenni!

The bicycle ride is underway!

magyar ajkuaknak: olvassatok lejebb egy kicsit...

day 0 - wednesday 14 june

last day to pack or buy anything that i need. last minute checks. bought wierd little tent for the hard times. parents came by with some goodies for the road. then big panick: the train leaves at 23:25 NOT 23:55! pack all of my belongings for the trip in 10 minutes flat. edit accompanies me by bike to the train station. a pleasant surprise: kristof and zsoka where there already to see me off, and just a few minutes later kisreka shows up. zsoka also has some podarichki for the road. fortunately i can put my bike in the sleeping compartment with me, which of course provides the bulgarian sleeping train official with a bit of extra pocket money. budapest is speeds away from me. kattogva kattog es elveszetten elvisz.

day 1 - thursday 15 june

i arrive in beograd at 7 in the morning, already homesick, and who was there to meet me at the station but milan boric! (from Yugo Cycling Campaign) he came out just to meet me before work at 8, and to make sure i could transfer fine on to bulgaria. good thing he came too, cause i had a small fright: the bulgarian conductor told me it was fine to keep my stuff in the compartment and continue in that wagon on towards the bulgarian border. he would lock the cabin for me, and i should be ready to go in an hour. but then the train just left, and i was wondering: is this already the end of the trip? my bicycle and most of my luggage taken by a train trickster? milan and i chased after the train (about half a kilometer) to some train yard, and found it sitting there, with someone in it, who confirmed that it would continue to sofia in an hour. whew!

i train all day long, get to the border about 5 pm bulgarian time, and then start to cycle: first stretch is dmitrovgrad (Serbia) - Sofia (Bulgaria), 60 km. then another 15 km at least in sofia to get to the za zemiata office. my first real use of the new bike, nicely fixed up by gyurka. it rode well, although at one spot the chain became extremely tightly stuck, and i had to ask someone in a nearby village to extricate it for me. my observation of his extrication job led me to believe i could have done it myself. so i learned something. i am very tired from this first day of cycling, at night before sleep i just am nearly going to faint. am i ready for this trip?

day 2 - friday 16 june

but it seems i can recover quickly. feel good, and already at 14:00 have first meeting with traffic division at the municipality, together with eli and vanya from Za Zemiata (ZZ) - my main bulgarian partners. just twenty minutes before the meeting the guide arrived to the ZZ office! and it looks really great! this first meeting also turned out really well, the two gentlemen we talked to were very responsive, seemed highly appreciative of the guide, and agreed with us that the traffic is a problem and needs to be dealt with. they said they would study the guide, and be happy to work with ZZ in the future. so from what we could see, a real success! my presentation of the guide to them also went well, only after rehearsing on the way to their building.

in the evening there was an open air event at a bar in a park in sofia, called "lotki" or boats. we screened several movies, budapest critical mass, different cycling films and what not. quite a lot of people there and everyone seemed to enjoy it. plus some contacts made for ZZ

sharp sofia a super start

day 3 saturday 17 june

didnt succeed to copy the dvd films for ZZ due to technical incompetency and a general lack of know-how. this will have to be done some other way, some other how. sit and write these lines, and then (it is already after four pm now) i should get on the road, as i want to get somewhere near to dupnica if possible, so that i will have an easier ride on sunday. (blagoevgrad morning municipality is the goal).

eli, vanya and delyan have all been very helpful and i have had a great time with them.

HU: akartam volna ugyanannyit irni magyarul mint angolul, csak az a baj hogy most mar mennem kene ha nem akarok sotetedes egy 20 km-es tekeres utan. szoval, nagyon jo volt eddig. sikerult vonattal eljutni a bolgar-szerb hatarhoz. budapesten a keletibe mentek kisreka, zsoka, kristof, es persze az edit is, hogy bucsuzzanak tolem. nem gondoltam volna, de orultem neki nagyon. es belgradban is, amikor 1 oras varakozasi idom volt az allomason, elem jott a milan borics, ismerosom es bicajos arc, hogy minden rendben van-e. nagyon jo fej.

volt egy 60 kilometeres tekeres a hatartol szofiaig, ami technikailag nem volt teljesen zokkenomentesen, de azert iszonyatos faradtan megerkeztem a bolgar fovarsoba, talalkoztam za zemiatasokkal, es kipihentem magam. masnap a fovarosi kozlekedesi osztalyban volt egy megbeszeles, es nagyon jol sikerult! atvettek az utmutatot es mondtak hogy szivesen egyuttdolgnak a za zemiatasokkal. az este a vetitesek meg buli, az is jol sikerult.

ughogy jol kezdodott minden, es most mar el kene mennem tovabb. a ZZ-es nagyon jo fejek. az idojaras most mar tokeletes, bolgar kavet iszok es bulgarul is cseveghetek, bar egy kicsit hangolni kene meg ezt a nyelvi eszkozom. roviden talalkoztam tervel-lel, meg nehany mas ismerosommel.

megyek tovabb: JU

The bicycle ride is underway

magyar ajkuaknak: olvassatok lejebb egy kicsit...

day 0 - wednesday 14 june

last day to pack or buy anything that i need. last minute checks. bought wierd little tent for the hard times. parents came by with some goodies for the road. then big panick: the train leaves at 23:25 NOT 23:55! pack all of my belongings for the trip in 10 minutes flat. edit accompanies me by bike to the train station. a pleasant surprise: kristof and zsoka where there already to see me off, and just a few minutes later kisreka shows up. zsoka also has some podarichki for the road. fortunately i can put my bike in the sleeping compartment with me, which of course provides the bulgarian sleeping train official with a bit of extra pocket money. budapest is speeds away from me. kattogva kattog es elveszetten elvisz.

day 1 - thursday 15 june

i arrive in beograd at 7 in the morning, already homesick, and who was there to meet me at the station but milan boric! (from Yugo Cycling Campaign) he came out just to meet me before work at 8, and to make sure i could transfer fine on to bulgaria. good thing he came too, cause i had a small fright: the bulgarian conductor told me it was fine to keep my stuff in the compartment and continue in that wagon on towards the bulgarian border. he would lock the cabin for me, and i should be ready to go in an hour. but then the train just left, and i was wondering: is this already the end of the trip? my bicycle and most of my luggage taken by a train trickster? milan and i chased after the train (about half a kilometer) to some train yard, and found it sitting there, with someone in it, who confirmed that it would continue to sofia in an hour. whew!

i train all day long, get to the border about 5 pm bulgarian time, and then start to cycle: first stretch is dmitrovgrad (Serbia) - Sofia (Bulgaria), 60 km. then another 15 km at least in sofia to get to the za zemiata office. my first real use of the new bike, nicely fixed up by gyurka. it rode well, although at one spot the chain became extremely tightly stuck, and i had to ask someone in a nearby village to extricate it for me. my observation of his extrication job led me to believe i could have done it myself. so i learned something. i am very tired from this first day of cycling, at night before sleep i just am nearly going to faint. am i ready for this trip?

day 2 - friday 16 june

but it seems i can recover quickly. feel good, and already at 14:00 have first meeting with traffic division at the municipality, together with eli and vanya from Za Zemiata (ZZ) - my main bulgarian partners. just twenty minutes before the meeting the guide arrived to the ZZ office! and it looks really great! this first meeting also turned out really well, the two gentlemen we talked to were very responsive, seemed highly appreciative of the guide, and agreed with us that the traffic is a problem and needs to be dealt with. they said they would study the guide, and be happy to work with ZZ in the future. so from what we could see, a real success! my presentation of the guide to them also went well, only after rehearsing on the way to their building.

in the evening there was an open air event at a bar in a park in sofia, called "lotki" or boats. we screened several movies, budapest critical mass, different cycling films and what not. quite a lot of people there and everyone seemed to enjoy it. plus some contacts made for ZZ

sharp sofia a super start

day 3 saturday 17 june

didnt succeed to copy the dvd films for ZZ due to technical incompetency and a general lack of know-how. this will have to be done some other way, some other how. sit and write these lines, and then (it is already after four pm now) i should get on the road, as i want to get somewhere near to dupnica if possible, so that i will have an easier ride on sunday. (blagoevgrad morning municipality is the goal).

eli, vanya and delyan have all been very helpful and i have had a great time with them.

HU: akartam volna ugyanannyit irni magyarul mint angolul, csak az a baj hogy most mar mennem kene ha nem akarok sotetedes egy 20 km-es tekeres utan. szoval, nagyon jo volt eddig. sikerult vonattal eljutni a bolgar-szerb hatarhoz. budapesten a keletibe mentek kisreka, zsoka, kristof, es persze az edit is, hogy bucsuzzanak tolem. nem gondoltam volna, de orultem neki nagyon. es belgradban is, amikor 1 oras varakozasi idom volt az allomason, elem jott a milan borics, ismerosom es bicajos arc, hogy minden rendben van-e. nagyon jo fej.

volt egy 60 kilometeres tekeres a hatartol szofiaig, ami technikailag nem volt teljesen zokkenomentesen, de azert iszonyatos faradtan megerkeztem a bolgar fovarsoba, talalkoztam za zemiatasokkal, es kipihentem magam. masnap a fovarosi kozlekedesi osztalyban volt egy megbeszeles, es nagyon jol sikerult! atvettek az utmutatot es mondtak hogy szivesen egyuttdolgnak a za zemiatasokkal. az este a vetitesek meg buli, az is jol sikerult.

ughogy jol kezdodott minden, es most mar el kene mennem tovabb. a ZZ-es nagyon jo fejek. az idojaras most mar tokeletes, bolgar kavet iszok es bulgarul is cseveghetek, bar egy kicsit hangolni kene meg ezt a nyelvi eszkozom. roviden talalkoztam tervel-lel, meg nehany mas ismerosommel.

megyek tovabb: JU

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Kerékpárral Bulgárián és Törökországon át

A legjobb dolgok az életben olykor váratlanul történnek!

Itt kínálkozik egy ragyogó alkalom, hogy csatlakozz egy izgalmas bringatúrához június második felében. Napokon belül elindulunk, úgyhogy nincs időd sokat teketóriázni! Június 15-én, Szófiából indulunk, és július 1-ig tart a kaland.

Ez kerékpártúra, melyet a Zöld Fiatalok Egyesület (ZöFi) szervez, a kirándulás örömén túl a fenntartható közlekedést kívánja népszerűsíteni (kerékpár, vonat, busz a tuti), az ehhez illeszkedő városfejlesztést ajánlva a régióban.

Az út során helyi önkormányzatokat és nonprofit szervezeteket is meglátogatunk, az erre az alkalomra kidolgozott "Fenntartható Közlekedési Útmutató" egy-egy példányát nyújtjuk át nekik. Az útmutató témái: környezetbarát városfejlesztés, ökováros, autómentes övezetek, "lassú" település... Az út során a könyv bolgár, török verziója is a kezünkben lesz.

Helyi környezetvédő, illetve kerékpáros szervezetek segítségével dialógust kezdeményezünk a helyi lakosokkal, bemutatót tartunk nekik a témából, miközben élvezzük a balkán relaxos hangulatát, és az édes déli, tengerparti klímát.

Ha szeretsz tekerni, csatlakozz bátran! Lehet, hogy az útnak csak bizonyos részére tudsz jönni, az is megoldható. Gondolj csak bele: micsoda új barátokra lelhetsz Samokovban, Plovdivban, Pazardzhikban, Edirnében, Tekirdagban vagy akár Kücükcekmeceben!

Nincs részvételi díj. Két lehetőség van eljutni Szófiába: vagy kerékpárostul vonattal odamenni 15-eig, amikor a hivatalos program kezdődik, vagy még a hétvégén a túraszervezőhőz csatlakozni és szintén szófia felé tekerni, a szerb-román duna menténi nemzeti parkon keresztül.

Jelentkezz, érdeklődj a túraszervezőnél:

Justin Hyatt

preparing the bikes...

Sofia - Sinop route variants

Sofia - Sinop

Starting on June 15th, we will travel from Sofia to Sinop, where we arrive by June 30th. Main events will take place in Sofia, Plovdiv, Istanbul and Sinop. There are still a few route variations, especially concerning the Bulgarian section, for which we will make a decision together with the Bulgarian participants.

1. Sofia – Blagoevgrad – Plovdiv – Dimitrovgrad – Edirne – Istanbul –Izmit – Zonguldak – Sinop
(this brings Blagoevgrad into the equation and the nice mountain pass between Razlog and Velingrad)

2. Sofia – Samokov – Plovdiv – Stara Zagora – Sliven – Burgas – Kirklareli – Istanbul – Izmit – Zonguldak - Sinop
(skipping Blagoevgrad, we would instead go to Stara Zagora and Burgas, and also escape the heavily trafficked Dimitrovgrad-Istanbul main road)

3. Sofia – Samokov– Plovdiv – Dimitrovgrad – Edirne – Istanbul –Izmit – Zonguldak – Sinop
(this would be a shorter version of Bulgaria, but then also make for less km per day in Turkey)

Feel free to comment on the variations, and let me know soon if you are thinking to join!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

През България и Турция с колело

Понякога най-хубавите неща в живота се появяват неочаквано!

Каним Ви да се присъедините към супер вълнуващия вело-тур през България и Турция, който ще продължи 3 седмици през юни! Побързайте, защото започваме съвсем скоро!

Елате при нас в София, на 15-ти юни, и карайте колелото си с нас до 1-ви юли. Да, да, ... за 2006-та година става въпрос!

Като пилотен проект, който произлиза от Унгарското екологично движение, или по-точно Зелени Младежи Унгария, тази велосипедна обиколка е планирана като възможност за срещи с местни общини и представители на неправителствени организации в градовете по маршрута, където ще раздаваме копия от създадения по този повод "Гайд за устойчива мобилност". Също така ще има възможност за разговор с местните жители, ще има презентации пред обществеността, ще показваме филми и ще се срещаме с местните жители, както и ще се наслаждаваме на спокойното настроение на Балканите и приятния южен климат.

Ако обичате да карате колело, вие сте добре дошли да се присъедините към нас! Можете да участвате и само в някои части на маршрута, по ваше желание. Ако си мислите, че нямате достатъчно приятели в градове като Самоков, Пловдив, Пазарджик, Одрин, Текирград или Кючукчекмедже, това е вашият шанс!

Целта на този вело-тур е да представи идеи за устойчив транспорт (колоездене, автобуси и влакове ... за начинаещи), както и устойчиво развитие на градовете. Екологични практики, еко-градове, градове без коли, "бавни" градове: всичко е тук! Гайдът излиза на български и турски език.

За проверка на последния вариант на маршрута, както и за записване, можете да се свържете с мен или с националния координатор.

Няма такса за участие, а и дините са с ниски цени ;)

Организатор на тура: Джъстин Хайат,

Местен координатор: Елица Грънчарова,
ЕС "За Земята"
София, ул. Цар Иван Асен II 1, вх. В, ет. 4
тел./факс: +3592 9431123

Through Bulgaria and Turkey by Bike

Sometimes the best things in life come unexpected!

Now You have the chance to join in a super exciting bicycle tour through Bulgaria and Turkey, for 2 weeks this June. Hurry up, because we start really soon!

Come and join us in Sofia, Bulgaria on the 15th of June, and cycle with us through July 1. Yes, we are speaking about 2006!

As a pilot project originating from within the Hungarian environmental movement, more specifically the Hungarian Young Greens, this bicycle tour has been planned to be an opportunity to meet local municipal and NGO representatives in the towns along the way, where we will be handing out copies of the "Guidebook on sustainable mobility" created for just this occasion. We will engage in dialogue with local citizens and make public presentations, showing films and meeting the locals, and enjoying the relaxed mood of the Balkans and the sweet Southern climate.

If you enjoy riding bicycles, you are welcome to join the ride! You may participate for parts of the section as well. Just when you thought you didn't have enough friends in places like Samokov, Plovdiv, Pazardzhik, Edirne, Tekirdağ or Küçükçekmece, here is your chance.

This bicycle tour attempts to promote the themes of sustainable transportation (bicycle, bus, train for starters) and sustainable urban development. Environmentally friendly practices, ecocities, carfree cities, slow cities: It's all there. The guide has been produced in Bulgarian and Turkish.

Check back here for the latest itinerary, and let me or your national director know you are coming. There is no fee to participate, and watermelon prices are cheap!

Tour organizer: Justin Hyatt,
Bulgarian section: Elitsa Grancharova,
Turkish section: Murat Suyabatmaz,